- 2009 Hague
- Children Status Act 2003
- Divorce Act 70 of 1979 with Caveat
- Intestate Succession Act
- Matrimonial Property Act, 1984
- Act Choice On Termination Of Pregnancy Amend Act 1 of 2008
- Children’s Court Draft Forms
- Domicile Act
- Maintenance Act 99 of 1998 With Caveat
- Prevention Of Family Violence Act, 1993
- Act Choice On Termination Of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996
- Children Status Act 2006
- Domestic Violence Act
- Maint. Of Surv. Spouses Act
- Mediation In Certain Divorce Matters Act, 1987
- Child Justice Act
- Divorce Act
- Hague Convention
- Matrimonial Affairs Act, 1953
- Recognition Of Customary Marriages Act, 1998