Aasifa Saldulker
Adele De Wet
Alan Jose
011 475 1398
Alan José Incorporated Attorneys, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort
Alet Uys
Alexi Budin
Alice van der Merwe
Alicia Strydom-Neethling
AttorneyAmorette Gangel
AttorneyAnton Hamman
Beverley Fourie
Billy Gundelfinger
AttorneyBronwyn May
AttorneyCeri von Ludwig
AttorneyChanel van Schalkwyk
Chantell Diederiks
Attorney & MediatorCharl du Plessis
AdvocateCharles Mendelow
Clarisa Vermaak
AttorneyCourtney Elson
AttorneyCraig Baillie
Danielle Mylie
AttorneyDarryl Reece
David Scheepers
Doris Goodenough
Advocate082 567 1710
Member: South African Association of Mediators (SAAM) Member: South African Medico Legal Association (SAMLA) Member: Gauteng Family Law Forum ( GFLF) LPC Registration number: GP-IN0046203
Ella Parkin
Candidate AttorneyElmarie Erasmus
AttorneyEvvy Sofos
AttorneyFerdi Hartzenberg
AttorneyFiona Marcandonatos
Gabriella Hodes
AttorneyGillian Lowndes
Gino Pisanti
Attorney011 453 1773/ 061 172 8925
Pisanti Attorneys Incorporated, Bedfordview
Graeme Greenstein
Heather Pretorius
AttorneyHinda Mendelow
AttorneyHugh Raichlin
AttorneyIlana Ossin
Irene Welling Bekker
AttorneyIsabel van den Ende
AttorneyJana van Breda
AttorneyJane Marston
Jennifer Mynhardt
Jennifer Scholtz
AttorneyJessica Clark
AttorneyJohann van Eeden
Juan Juan van Heerden
AttorneyJuané Wiid
AttorneyJuanita Wright
Candidate Attorneyjuanita@nijhuisattorneys.co.za
010 630 0333
Nijhuis Attorneys, Alberton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 1449
Judy Wilkins
AttorneyKaren Green
Kim Meikle
AttorneyKundi Ramashia-Dube
Larry Chimes
Lauren Christie
AttorneyLeigh-Ann Govender
Lerato Seroke
AttorneyLesego Mothowamodimo
AttorneyLesley Blake
Liza Segal
Lucia Coter
Marc Haskins SC
AdvocateMark Yammin
Martin Pike
AttorneyMatthew Kerr-Phillips
Attorney and NotaryMelissa Nijhuis
010 630 0333, 082 496 6394
Nijhuis Attorneys, Alberton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 1449
Mervyn Vermeulen
Michale Notelovitz
AttorneyMonica Drotsky
AttorneyMonique dos Santos
AttorneyMorgan Courtenay
AdvocateNadine Roesch
AttorneyNatascha Treston
Natasha Fourie
Senior Associate012 362 3970
de Lange van Kaam Attorneys, 1 Ox Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria, Gauteng
Nerisha Naidoo
AdvocateNiel du Plessis
Nirvana Rambachan-Naidoo
011 895 9000
Advocates Group Twenty One, Johannesburg
Nthabiseng Thokoane
Nuno Palmeira
AttorneyPeter van Niekerk
AttorneyRiette Oosthuizen
Riva Lange
Roelien Watson
AttorneyRoxanne Barnard
AttorneyRudi Pottas
AttorneyRudi Kruger
AttorneyRuth Gray
AssociateSanet de Lange
AttorneySarita Liebenberg
Shani van Niekerk
Simone Lamberti
Director / AttorneyStephné Chambers
AttorneySteven Beere
Candidate AttorneySwabirah Thabit - Swartz
Attorney, Notary & ConveyancerSwabirah@sthabitattorneys.co.za
S Thabit Attorneys, ERASMIA 0183 , BENONI 1501
Tanya Eichner-Visser
AdvocateTanya Sulc
065 580 5704 / 063 544 9446
TMF Attorneys Inc