The Gauteng Family Law Forum is a voluntary association of family law practitioners, for and by Gauteng family lawyers. Members of this forum approach family law matters in a constructive way, seeking to resolve and not to inflame. In order to be a member of the forum, a practitioner must subscribe to the GFLF Code of Conduct.
The forum is not an organisation that provides pro bono services to the public.
Mission & Vision Statement
- To identify, discuss and provide practical solutions to the problems practitioners face in practice.
- To engage meaningfully with the appropriate person or bodies of persons to put forth innovative and practical solutions to problems faced in practice.
- To initiate and promote reforms and improvements in the branch of family law, the administration of justice, the practice of family law and in draft family law legislation.
- To encourage and promote communication and cohesiveness amongst family law practitioners.
- To encourage and promote efficiency and responsibility in relation to the family law professional.
- To uphold the integrity of family law practitioners.
- To uphold and improve the standards of professional conduct and qualifications of family law practitioners.
- To promote uniform practice in family law.
- To encourage the study of family law and keeping up to date with new developments in the area of family law.
- To represent generally the views of family law practitioners in Gauteng.
- In the interest of the family law profession in Gauteng, to cooperate with such other societies or bodies of persons as it may deem fit.
- To recognise and promote the role in and responsibility towards their community that family law practitioners have.
- To maintain and enhance the prestige, status and dignity of the practice of family law.